Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Back to school with Confidence!

Back to School with Confidence!  Local Personal Development Center in Glastonbury, CT Arms Kids with Confidence in September of 2014

 In a stadium of fans, the most emphatic voice of confidence must come from within. If you don’t believe, the potential for success is but a fraction of what it could be .   -- Dr. Robyn Silverman – 100 Percent Martial Art's Child Development Expert

September 2014 is Confidence Month as part of 100 Percent Martial Arts’s Powerful Words Character Development program! Our Intermediate and Advanced ranks (Orange - Brown Belt) will be studying, developing and experiencing powerful life lessons focusing on understanding the value and benefit of being the kind of person who can have complete trust in themselves or others. In addition to all of the physical skills that they'll be working on this month, students will be discussing and practicing the following concepts both in and out of class:

    Confidence defined: What is it? How does it feel? What does it look like?
    Confidence and what it allows us to do: Take positive risks, try new things
    Supports: What/who helps us feel confident in our bodies and brains?
   Potential confidence barriers: Bullying, failure, boasting and bragging

“Confidence is a combination of trust, conviction and assuredness.  Confident people embody a feeling of inner certainty that problems and challenges will work out as envisioned.  They believe in themselves, their abilities, and in those they trust. When speaking to children, it’s important to delineate the difference between confidence and cockiness or conceit. ” says Dr. Robyn Silverman, 100 Percent Martial Art's child & adolescent expert, and creator of the Powerful Words Character Development system used at the facility.

Michael Ferreira , Owner of 100 Percent Martial Arts says, "Confidence is truly at the core of success here at our facility.  We realize that all of our students may not train with us forever, however, if every single one of our students walks out a more confident person, we know we’ve positively impacted them for life.  That’s what it’s all about for us!

It’s a pleasure seeing our community recognized as a place with Powerful Character, and seeing our students lead the way! As this community’s premier martial arts school, we take this responsibility very seriously. We’re thrilled to help our students and our community to thrive and succeed, and Confidence month is going to help us to do just that.”

100 Percent’s strong curriculum and the Powerful Words Character Development system provide our students with the opportunities to become UNSTOPPABLE in life. These lessons will remain with our students for life and we're honored to help them achieve the success that they deserve” says Sensei Mike.

Sensei Mike Ferreira is the owner of 100 Percent and has helped thousands of kids and teens to embrace a positive and healthy lifestyle.

For a Lively and Information Packed 1st visit, contact Sensei Mike 


Glastonbury Karate classes for children that really make a difference!     

Saturday, August 23, 2014

6 reasons to get your kid in Karate asap

Want your child to kick butt in school this Fall? Check this out!

In a recent study the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found:
  • Consistently positive associations between extracurricular activity participation and grades as well as positive academic attitudes and higher academic aspirations
  • Exercise was positively related to homework completion and class attendance.
  • GPA was positively associated with extracurricular physical activity 12 of the 22 times it was measured.
  • Physical fitness activity was positively related to academic achievement, academic behaviors, and indicators of cognitive skills and attitudes, such as concentration, memory, self-esteem, and verbal skills.
  • Enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior.
  • A range of possible additional benefits including a stronger developed sense of self, higher educational aspirations, improved interest in class, and reduced dropout rates.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

White belt vs. Black belt

Quick thought on belts, and what they all mean.. 

Children need to be confident, not tough. 

They should grow up learning that hard work pays off, and that goal setting is important in life. 

What's crazy to me is how many martial arts schools have karate classes that focus on all the wrong things! 

Too many schools out there are missing an opportunity to teach children about respect, focus, and self control.. The things that really matter... 

I guess this is why we've made it a point to make that the focus of our lessons.

Kids in our karate classes learn about leadership and actually get a chance to lead their peers! Immediately white belts start looking at ways to improve their efforts at home and in school, that us how they'll move to yellow belt and beyond. 

So really in our school the only difference between a white belt and black belt is one is just discovering how to be their best and the other has been working hard at it for years.   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Are Karate Classes a good idea for your kid?

quick story...

A couple of days ago I had a mom walk in with her 2 boys (about 7 and 8 years old)... they were all excited to start their first karate class

We started off as we always do showing a few basic moves, we played a self control game and covered a few rules about where and when we do karate. After that we got right into the fun stuff!  Before you knew it the two little guys were kicking pads in the air, high-fiving each other and just having a genuinely GREAT time. 

After their 1st lesson the boys were PUMPED to get their uniforms and belts... but as I listened to their mother she seemed torn... 

At first I saw the excitement in her, she was soooo happy to finally find something that her boys both enjoyed and would truly benefit from...  But there was a little hesitation so I asked her does this seem like a good fit?

"Yes! I think the youngest could use the structure and the discipline" she whispered...  "but I guess I'm nervous that they might start doing karate on each other..."

"You're not alone!"  I replied... "but here's the thing... your boys are going to be physical anyway.. they are going to want to yell jump kick and punch stuff.. that's just what kids do! They WANT to be superheroes!   So our classes will not only give them the space to do it but we'll teach them the fun and safe way to do it.. meanwhile providing rules about WHERE and WHEN they can practice their karate.."

BOOM.. it clicked... she got it... and the kids are now full fledgeed "Karate kids"..  In fact they are both about to earn their 1st character stripe for keeping their room clean for a whole week!

I figured I'd share this with you since many parents wonder if Karate classes will make their children violent or if martial arts for kids is even a good idea at all. 

Well I'm here to tell you it's a fabulous idea.. IF you find a great school with great teachers and an awesome reward system then give it a try.  Usually what happens is children that are already very physical get the reinforcement about "hands to yourself, respect and self control" that you've been looking for...

If your kid is the shy type... putting them into a Karate class just might bring them out of their shell... what we've found is that frequent physical accomplishments paired with positive feedback and awesome rewards like belts stripes and other goodies makes kids feeling AWESOME about themselves.. and rightfully so.

This is how martial arts programs builds confidence.. and I hope maybe I cleared some things up for anyone wondering if Karate is a good fit for their kid. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Back to School Karate Classes for Kids

Karate classes Glastonbury, CT

With Back to school season upon us, many parents are asking... "where can I find the best karate classes in the area?"

This is a great question and an important one to find the answer to before investing time, money and energy into an ongoing children's program. 

The key to great karate lessons for kids is to have a diligent and talented team of instructors, that’s what you’ll find at 100 Percent Martial Arts.  The team at 100 Percent loves karate and has experience in teaching children of all ages and backgrounds. Their goal is to incorporate fun, modern principles to make kids karate classes fun and exciting for years and years, not just a few weeks.

Karate classes, self-defense classes, and other martial arts classes are all offered at this school.  If you’d like to learn more about 100 Percent Martial Arts be sure to go to their website and grab the web special!  Their homepage, which can be viewed here, is the best place to grab a beginners trial program to see if your child take to the classes.

Taking classes at the karate school can help in many aspects of life including listening, discipline, self-control, physical fitness, and even eating habits.

Go ahead and try a class today and you’ll find that the Glastonbury Martial Arts School is skilled and invested in what they do.  Children can begin taking karate classes at the age of 4 to start learning more about themselves through a social environment, gain confidence, improve muscle coordination, and practice dedication and responsibility. The kids will have a fun time with instructors and friends while learning amazing life lessons and strengthening their bodies and minds.

100 Percent Martial Arts serves Colchester, Wethersfield, Newington, Rocky Hill, East Hartford, Marlborough, Manchester, Hebron, Bolton, Portland, Andover, East Hampton, Coventry, Cromwell, and South Windsor and it’s the best school in the area for parents looking for a kids karate school with a focus on character development.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Karate classes should be Fun

Karate Lessons should be FUN (that's the first step!)

Fun Karate classes = your child EAGER to clean their room...

There are certainly many things to learn about Martial Arts schools, but the first thing to know is it should be FUN for you child. If you walk into a school and it doesn’t feel like a “family” environment… if they don’t get down on your child’s level and greet them and make them smile… chances are you’re not in the right place.

Karate for Kids should have a different approach than martial arts for adults!

Kids need to feel comfortable and safe, once this happens they can have fun… once they’re having fun that energy can be directed at ANYTHING! At our Glastonbury Karate school our classes have a focus on fun so that kids keep coming back for more!

What’s AWESOME is that parents LOVE our program because of our focus on Character Development. You see since kids are having so much fun in our classes we are able to talk about things like, RESPECT, SELF CONTROL, LISTENING, GOOD GRADES, DOING YOUR CHORES, and other things in a very different way than parents do…

IN FACT we actually reward kids for being awesome at home and in school…

That leads me to my NEXT topic!

Character Development and an expertly designed curriculum.

If you are looking for the best Martial Arts school in CT you will absolutely want to know WHAT they will be teaching your kid. Chances are you will be investing a significant amount of time and money into the program so make sure it’s MORE than just a physical activity.

Look for a school with an AWESOME lesson plan, make sure they have a focus on being a good role model, growing up being the best person you can be, and most importantly have years of experience and PROVEN systems to deliver great classes.

You see… many Karate schools say they teach respect, etc but then you watch their classes and it’s nothing more than organized chaos.

Don’t fall for the buzzwords.

Make sure the school has a certain level of discipline, structure and CLEAR expectations for the children so they know EXACTLY how to be successful.

It’s these small successes that build confidence and it’s important YOU CHILD knows exactly how to attain that next goal.

At 100 Percent Martial Arts we have an awesome way of motivating children to accomplish tasks at home and in school that YOU CHOOSE! So Cleaning their room, and getting g homework done become “Karate Challenges” rather than things you keep telling them to do… it’s pretty awesome to see kids excited to clean up and study… and they feel AWESOME when they get their reward in front of their Karate friends for doing these things!

It’s not rocket science but we’ve definitely cracked the code when it comes to motivating kids and keeping them motivated for years….

Just as an example last night in class our Karate lesson was about Honesty and not lying to our parents. We had a great discussion about what happens when we lie to people and how that impacts us at school and at home.. KIDS WERE EVEN SHARING STORIES ABOUT WHEN THEY LIED AND TELLING EACH OTHER WHY IT’S BAD TO EVER DO IT AGAIN.

Very powerful stuff… and this is a Karate program!

Anyway, I hope this page gives you a little insight into why our martial arts classes stand apart since we’re doing things a bit differently than the “norm”. We want to make a positive difference for you and your family!

IF you have ANY other questions or would like to pop in and check it our for yourself just go here… www.GlastonburyKarate.com and sign up for our newsletter from there you can just contact us and schedule a quick visit this week or whenever is good. Talk soon!