Saturday, July 12, 2014

Karate classes should be Fun

Karate Lessons should be FUN (that's the first step!)

Fun Karate classes = your child EAGER to clean their room...

There are certainly many things to learn about Martial Arts schools, but the first thing to know is it should be FUN for you child. If you walk into a school and it doesn’t feel like a “family” environment… if they don’t get down on your child’s level and greet them and make them smile… chances are you’re not in the right place.

Karate for Kids should have a different approach than martial arts for adults!

Kids need to feel comfortable and safe, once this happens they can have fun… once they’re having fun that energy can be directed at ANYTHING! At our Glastonbury Karate school our classes have a focus on fun so that kids keep coming back for more!

What’s AWESOME is that parents LOVE our program because of our focus on Character Development. You see since kids are having so much fun in our classes we are able to talk about things like, RESPECT, SELF CONTROL, LISTENING, GOOD GRADES, DOING YOUR CHORES, and other things in a very different way than parents do…

IN FACT we actually reward kids for being awesome at home and in school…

That leads me to my NEXT topic!

Character Development and an expertly designed curriculum.

If you are looking for the best Martial Arts school in CT you will absolutely want to know WHAT they will be teaching your kid. Chances are you will be investing a significant amount of time and money into the program so make sure it’s MORE than just a physical activity.

Look for a school with an AWESOME lesson plan, make sure they have a focus on being a good role model, growing up being the best person you can be, and most importantly have years of experience and PROVEN systems to deliver great classes.

You see… many Karate schools say they teach respect, etc but then you watch their classes and it’s nothing more than organized chaos.

Don’t fall for the buzzwords.

Make sure the school has a certain level of discipline, structure and CLEAR expectations for the children so they know EXACTLY how to be successful.

It’s these small successes that build confidence and it’s important YOU CHILD knows exactly how to attain that next goal.

At 100 Percent Martial Arts we have an awesome way of motivating children to accomplish tasks at home and in school that YOU CHOOSE! So Cleaning their room, and getting g homework done become “Karate Challenges” rather than things you keep telling them to do… it’s pretty awesome to see kids excited to clean up and study… and they feel AWESOME when they get their reward in front of their Karate friends for doing these things!

It’s not rocket science but we’ve definitely cracked the code when it comes to motivating kids and keeping them motivated for years….

Just as an example last night in class our Karate lesson was about Honesty and not lying to our parents. We had a great discussion about what happens when we lie to people and how that impacts us at school and at home.. KIDS WERE EVEN SHARING STORIES ABOUT WHEN THEY LIED AND TELLING EACH OTHER WHY IT’S BAD TO EVER DO IT AGAIN.

Very powerful stuff… and this is a Karate program!

Anyway, I hope this page gives you a little insight into why our martial arts classes stand apart since we’re doing things a bit differently than the “norm”. We want to make a positive difference for you and your family!

IF you have ANY other questions or would like to pop in and check it our for yourself just go here… and sign up for our newsletter from there you can just contact us and schedule a quick visit this week or whenever is good. Talk soon!

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